
Language Day (23 April) is a very important date for the CCB sections, who carried out different activities to commemorate this significant day. 

In Early Childhood the celebration was coordinated by the teacher Benjamin Pattenden, and each class met virtually. The children and teachers dressed up as characters from a previously chosen books and engaged in activities related to children's literature such as: reading, acting out stories, creating puppets of characters from a story and telling family tales that marked their lives.  

In Secondary, the Spanish-French department teachers and students created a website where they exhibited some of their literary works of fiction and non-fiction (such as chronicles, comics, poetry, etc.) produced in class.

"The idea for the page was conceived because we didn't want to overlook this important day for Spanish speakers," Andri told us. 

While the website celebrates Spanish Language Day, its content also includes works in French by students in grades 6-10. 

In addition to serving as a portal to the work of our students, the site is also a space designed for the consultation of external links and documents that deal with Language Day.  In one of the sections of this website, the teachers highlighted the students who excelled in Spanish-French in grades 6-12.  

Visit and read the wonderful work of our students here:https://sites.google.com/ccbcali.edu.co/colegio-colombo-britnico/inicio?authuser=0    

Finally, Primary will be holding their language celebrations on May 6th and 7th. This is due to the recent isolation periods decreed by the Mayor's Office of Cali.  

Happy Language Day to all our community!

As a result of the resources donated by members of the CCB community for the We Are One - Corazón Colombo Campaign, the surplus funds have been given in the form of Corazón Colombo Gift Cards. 

These gift cards were given to 6 of our Maintenance and Transportation staff members. The winners were chosen through a vote organised by Human Resources and the PTA, in which all Service and Transport staff participated.

This group was chosen because their peers felt that they have the values of the CCB and live the "Corazón Colombo-We are one" philosophy.  

The winners are: 

Jose Oliver Inchima

Orlando Salamanca

Freddy Pineda

Francisco Toro

Carlos Olmedo

Manuel Ortiz

These are the reactions of some of the winners of this prize.

For Orlando Salamanca, maintenance assistant, belonging to the CCB is a source of great pride. 

"The Colegio Colombo Britanico has been my second home, I have found many friends and many experiences. It is very nice to belong to the CCB" said Orlando.

Jose Oliver Inchima Ramos, expressed his happiness. 

"From the bottom of my heart I thank all the people who have contributed to this recognition. I feel very flattered and very happy." Jose Óliver.

 Francisco Toro, Transport Coordinator, said he felt satisfied with his efforts and was grateful to the CCB community. 

"It is very satisfying for me to know that my efforts are paying off and that my efforts are reflected in this acknowledgement. I love the school very much and that is why I always try to do everything with the best attitude so that the CCB family grows and we continue to be the best." 

The award ceremony took place on Thursday, April 15th at 3:30 p.m. in Secondary Auditorium, with the participation of the PTA and the CCB Human Resources Department.

Congratulations to the winners.


From the 23rd to the 25th of March, Primary celebrated their Cultural Week. 

The event included both sporting and cultural activities on the school campus and online. 

Sports activities such as soccer, different styles of volleyball, basketball and badminton were practised on the school's courts. All the biosecurity measures were put in place by the teachers who coordinated the activities.

"We distributed the students in various spaces to avoid any overcrowding and we made sure that everyone could participate," said teacher Francisco Garcés. 

Students from 2nd to 5th grade also shared cultural environments, music, dance and theatre, as well as academic scavenger hunts, picnics, art exhibitions and the “Animalarium” which took place in the Primary library. 

"The students read “Tales from the jungle” by Horacio Quiroga and based on this book, they mixed the animals and created their own species" explained Lucía Lopez, Primary librarian, about the Animalarium exhibition. 

In addition to this, the school psychologists gave talks on pre-adolescence for 5th graders.  

Through video calls via Google Meet, the students at home participated in several of the activities. 

"We took the students who are at home with us to each of the exhibitions during the Cultural Week. We also tried to create different dynamics so that they could soak up the experience," said teacher Jenny Guerra. 

For the Primary students, the last week of March was a stimulating prelude to the approaching Easter break. 

"What I liked the most is that we researched about Scotland and a lot of things that are different from what we always do," commented Isabella from 3rd grade.

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