
Programme | CCB Visitors | School Profile | Standardized Testing | Scholarships | Vocational Practices | Agenda | Essay Prompts


  1. Plan ahead your future and have goals achievable through your life in the Secondary Section.
  2. Open your mind and explore different alternatives.
  3. Enrich your resume with participation in research projects, contacts with professors, leadership experiences, extracurricular activities, social work and academic merit.
  4. Attend university sessions and fairs that come to visit CCB and look for information related to your career.
  5. Look for admission requirements and organize your agenda to comply with deadlines.
  6. Register, practice and present the necessary standardized tests.
  7. Look for persons who know you well and who are able to write comprehensive letters of recommendation.
  8. Start writing your essay to show the best of yourself.
  9. Read all emails received from the Counselling Office where you will be able to make appointments with university representatives, know about scholarship opportunities and receive support in your admissions process.
  10. Here are some links where you will find loans and/or scholarships for your studies:
COLFUTURO www.colfuturo.org Loans-grants for graduate studies
ICETEX www.icetex.org Loans for undergraduate and Graduate Studies.
www.fundacioncarolina.org.co Scholarships & loans in Spain
FULLBRIGHT www.fulbright.edu.co Scholarships & loans for graduate studies
BRITISH COUNCIL www.educationuk.org Scholarships for undergraduate & graduate students in UK
MAEC www.becasmae.com Scholarships in Spain
ALBAN www.programalban.org Scholarships for Latin American students, to study a Master, a Doctorate or advanced specialization training in European Union.
Más oportunidades http://masoportunidades.org/becas-italia-pregrado-posgrado/ Scholarships in different countries for international students

 If you need assistance, please contact: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla. - Tel. (+57-2) 555 5360.
